The Directorate of the Drought and Natural Disasters Fund at the Ministry of Agriculture has transferred 123.112 million lire to the branches of the Agricultural Bank in Shaba, Sulqhid and Qarya in the governorate of Suwayda to begin compensating the cold damages suffered by fruit trees and field crops during April and May of this year.
The head of the Department of Mitigation of the effects of drought and disasters in the Directorate of Agriculture in Sweden, Engineer George Badawi, told SANA correspondent today that the amounts transferred during the next two days other amounts worth more than 1.32 billion pounds for the Agricultural Bank in the city of Suweida.
He pointed out that the total of the affected agricultural areas in the province, which will be compensated based on the production costs amounted to 124,447 thousand acres, of which 118,185 thousand acres for apple trees, vine, cherry, peaches, peaches and apricots and 6262 donums for chickpeas and wheat. The number of eligible to compensate 8689 farmers from 33 towns and villages.
The cold beads caused the end of last April and the first week of May to damage the fruit trees and agricultural crops in the province of Swaida